Thursday, February 25, 2021

 Sound of Freedom

This is real and happening today somewhere in our world

I have been instructed by my God to help the women and the children of Cameroun.  This is my pledge to you as First Lady of Cameroun.  This is an oath I freely take before you and my God.

The link above is to a film that highlights the evil in this world of pedophilia and the buying and selling of children which goes on to the tune of several million children worldwide each year.

The travesty and enormity of this 'yes it is a business for those profiting from our innocent children' those who abduct and sell children, and those who pay for their perversions to be acted out encompass TRILLIONS of USD per year.  Yes I said TRILLIONS; quote from the film Sound of Freedom "It is the fastest growing international crime network that the world has ever seen.  It has already passed the illegal arms trade and soon its going to pass the drug trade."

How many of our children in Cameroun and throughout Africa are preyed upon, stolen from their homes, sold into slavery  every minute of every day of every year?  This ends here...not on my watch.  And I do not care who is upset because their business is made upon the backs of the innocents...our beloved...given to us as a blessing by God.  IT ENDS HERE IN CAMEROUN.  NOT ON MY WATCH!

Let us unite for the sake of our children!

Please see the link above - Operation Underground Railroad. The founder is Tim Ballard, a real live hero, whose story was told in the move mentioned above "Sound of Freedom".