Thursday, February 25, 2021

 Sound of Freedom

This is real and happening today somewhere in our world

I have been instructed by my God to help the women and the children of Cameroun.  This is my pledge to you as First Lady of Cameroun.  This is an oath I freely take before you and my God.

The link above is to a film that highlights the evil in this world of pedophilia and the buying and selling of children which goes on to the tune of several million children worldwide each year.

The travesty and enormity of this 'yes it is a business for those profiting from our innocent children' those who abduct and sell children, and those who pay for their perversions to be acted out encompass TRILLIONS of USD per year.  Yes I said TRILLIONS; quote from the film Sound of Freedom "It is the fastest growing international crime network that the world has ever seen.  It has already passed the illegal arms trade and soon its going to pass the drug trade."

How many of our children in Cameroun and throughout Africa are preyed upon, stolen from their homes, sold into slavery  every minute of every day of every year?  This ends here...not on my watch.  And I do not care who is upset because their business is made upon the backs of the innocents...our beloved...given to us as a blessing by God.  IT ENDS HERE IN CAMEROUN.  NOT ON MY WATCH!

Let us unite for the sake of our children!

Please see the link above - Operation Underground Railroad. The founder is Tim Ballard, a real live hero, whose story was told in the move mentioned above "Sound of Freedom".

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 SOciété CAmerounaise de
Prévoyance Sociale pour le Secteur Informel Sarl

Presentation in French language scroll ⬇️

What is might ask...well, its a program we will initiate in each and every commune in Cameroun (360 communes throughout Cameroun), so that ALL people in the informal sector will have financial support :

In order to reach those who have no social benefits with protection against the risk of accident, illness, disability and death as well as that of age (childhood and old age),
SOCAPSSI-Sarl was created to facilitate the application of the law nº 84/007 of July 4, 1984 amending the law nº69/CF/18 of November 10, 1969 for Social Security; in other words social assistance benefits are now available to all Camerounians including the informal sector.
In order to accomplish this endeavour, SOCAPSSI-Sarl, partners directly with CNPS.  We intend to correct the social inequalities of those that currently have no structure to permit application for inscription directly into CNPS.  This is a powerful instrument expanding the reach of social security services to all.
The spirit of the declaration of universal human rights states that every human being should be protected against certain risks.  In practice, our institutions still distinguish between contributors, making social security a mechanism of insurance related to paid employment, thus putting at risk the largest percentage of the population, the informal sector.  An alliance is now in place between SOCAPSSI-Sarl and CNPS thus making it possible for all to register and inscribe with individual accounts in CNPSSOCAPSSI-Sarl will facilitate your registration and inscription,  collect your contributions and pay them on your behalf directly to CNPS.  In addition, SOCAPSSI-Sarl will be your advocate with CNPS.
Assure your life and your family’s future, by securing yourself against the risks of old age, illness, disability and death; start now to prepare for your retirement by subscribing through SOCAPSSI-Sarl in CNPS, the new company making inscription into CNPS possible for the informal sector.

And just how will this benefit me, you might be asking:

Here are some of the family benefits you will receive if you inscribe:

I.  Family benefits:

- Prenatal allowances;

- Maternity benefit;

- (Medical expenses of pregnancy, maternity and infant examination);

- Family benefits;

- (Payment of maternity leave for women who are salaried);

- Protection against illness;

- Old-age insurance, disability or death.

II. Industrial accidents and occupational hazards:

 a) Services in kind:

- Expenses of treatment;

- Expenses of prosthesis and orthopedics;

- Expenses of functional rehabilitation;

- Expenses of readjustment or professional retraining;

- Transportation costs for those disabled;

- Transport costs for the companion of the disabled;
b) Benefits in kind:

- The allowance for funeral expenses.

- The daily benefit allotment;

- Permanent disability income;

- Incapacity payment;

- Survivors income.

III.   Insurance old-age pensions, disability and death:

 - Old age pension;

- Early retirement pension;

▪ For personal reasons;

▪ For premature aging;

- Pension for the infirm;

- Survivors pension;

- Payment for old age;

- Payment for survivors;

- Payment for premature aging;

- Funeral expenses;

- Transportation costs.


This program will be for everyone in the informal sector including;












Formal structures sub-contractors, 


So you see everyone, their families and loved ones will have financial support they need, and will benefit from this program being rolled out throughout Cameroun.

So Madam Anita, I see the benefit for my life, but how much will this cost me?  Here are examples to answer that question:

Would you be willing to pay the following contributions (day laborers or monthly workers) to be inscribed in CNPS?

 a) For one of 25 000 Fcfa pays a contribution of 200 Fcfa per day or 5 500 Fcfa per month:

b) For one of 35 000 Fcfa pays a contribution of 300 Fcfa per day or 8 500 per month;

c) For one of 45 000 Fcfa pays a contribution of 375 Fcfa per day or 10 750 Fcfa per month;

d) For one of 55 000 Fcfa pays a contribution of 475 Fcfa per day or 13 750 Fcfa per month;

e) For one of 65 000 Fcfa pays a contribution of 575 Fcfa per day or 16 750 Fcfa per month.

To further highlight just what this program is all about, please see 2 videos we produced in 2008 while I was living in Dschang (please click on the links below - it will open a new page to view video on YouTube) :

Madam Anita discusses SOCAPSSI - Sarl 

and also:


This bonefide business/program was created in 2008.  All legal documentation can be provided upon request.

We truly care about you my brothers and sisters and will by our example initiate programs that will help improve YOUR lives, because we have  real world experience, not by just talkie, talkie or because you know someone who knows someone, someone who might currently be in a position of power and have their names plastered all over newspapers...son of...anyone or because they only present a pretty face but have no idea what to do!

Presentation in French language:

Avis AUX NON-BéNéFICIARIES DES  PRESTATIONS  FAMILIALES ET PENSIONS VIEILLESES DE LA CNPS (Caisse Nationale de prévoyance sociale)              
CNPS – Centre départemental de la menoua

1) Pour qu’il n’y ait plus d’incompatibilité entre libéralisme économique et protection contre les dépendances liées fatalement á la condition humaine, comme celle de l’âge (enfance, vieillesse) ou de l’aléa (accident, maladie, décès etc.…). 

Une offre de facilitation pour la mise en application de la loi nº 84/007 du 04 Juillet 1984 modifiant la loi nº69/CF/18 du 10 Novembre 1969 sur l’assurance sociale, prévoyance sociale pour le secteur informel camerounais est entrain d’être opérée.  Elle consiste à détruire le monopole public sur la gestion de la sécurité sociale pour la confier en théorie à des conseils d’administration paritaire, en réalité par alliance SOCAPSSI Sarl et CNPS.  Ce qui revient à neutraliser toute velléité d’utilisation de la protection sociale pour corriger les inégalités sociales et à en faire, au contraire, un puissant instrument de perpétuation de la structure sociale – L’ÉTAT SOCIAL -.

L’esprit de la déclaration des droits universels de l’homme fait répondre que tout être humain est protégé.  Mais en pratique, nos institutions distinguent encore le cotisant faisant de la protection sociale un mécanisme d’assurance lié à l’activité salariée mettant ainsi en marge les non salariés voire les professions libérales et le secteur informel que vous êtes, pourtant tous doivent en bénéficier car le salaire n’est qu’un revenu d’appoint pour un individu.  L’alliance SOCAPSSI-Sarl et CNPS permet à tous de trouver un intérêt commun contre le destin; SOCAPSSI-Sarl se charge de votre immatriculation et de la collecte de vos cotisations afin de les acheminer à la CNPS, qui est l’organe suprême en matière de prévoyance sociale au Cameroun; SOCAPSSI-Sarl se donne également pour objectif le suivi de vos comptes à la CNPS.

Donnez une assurance à votre vie en vous prémunissant contre les risques de vieillesse et aux aléas de votre activité; commencez dès maintenant à préparer votre retraite en souscrivant auprès de la SOCAPSSI-Sarl, la nouvelle attitude de prévoyance sociale pour le secteur informel.

Voici les prestations familiales que vous devez bénéficier comme souscripteur ou Allocataire:

I.  Prestations familiales:

-   Les allocations prénatales;

-   L’allocation de maternité ;

-   (Les frais médicaux de grossesse, de maternité et de consultation du nourrisson);

-  Les allocations familiales;

-   (L’indemnité journalière accordée aux femmes salaries en conge de maternité);

-   Protection contre la maladie;

-   Assurance vieillesse, d’invalidité de décès.

 II.  Accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles:

 a)   Prestations en nature:

-   Les frais de traitement;

-   Les frais de prothèse et d’orthopédie;

-   Les frais de rééducation fonctionnelle;

-   Les frais de réadaptation ou de reconversion professionnelle;

-   Les frais de transport de la victime;

-   Les frais de transport et de séjour de l’accompagnateur de la victime;

-   L’allocation des frais funéraires.

b)   Prestations en espèce:

-   L’indemnité journalière;

-   La rente d’incapacité permanente;

-   L’allocation d’incapacité;

-   La rente des survivants.

 III.   Assurance pensions de vieillesse, d’invalidité et de décès:

-   La pension vieillesse normale;

-   La pension vieillesse anticipée

▪        Pour convenance personnelle

▪        Pour usure prématuré

-   La pension d’invalidité;

-   La pension de survivants;

-   L’allocation de vieillesse;

-   L’allocation de survivants;

-   L’allocation de vieillesse pour usure prématurée;

-   Les frais funéraires;

-   Les frais de transport.

Pour tout le monde, y compris:







Boutiquiers et

Télé boutiquiers, 






Structures formelles sous-traités,

Micro enterprises

Et le coût par exemple

Seriez – vous prêt à payer les cotisations (journalières ou mensuelles) CNPS pour les montants de salarie mensuel suivant?

a)       Pour un salarie de 25 000 Fcfa une cotisation de 200 Fcfa par jour ou 5 500 Fcfa par mois:

b)       Pour un salarie de 35 000 Fcfa un cotisation de 300 Fcfa par jour ou 8 500 par mois;

c)       Pour un salarie de 45 000 Fcfa une cotisation de 375 Fcfa par jour ou 10 750 Fcfa par mois;

d)       Pour un salarie de 55 000 Fcfa une cotisation de 475 Fcfa par jour ou 13 750 Fcfa par mois;

e)       Pour un salarie de 65 000 Fcfa une cotisation de 575 Fcfa par jour ou 16 750 Fcfa par mois.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

 And so...

Love, Truth, Beauty, Trust, Harmony and Peace.

These words have been and continue to be, even to this day the mantra I live my life by. I like to imagine each of the words being the point of the Star of David (a 6 pointed star) as I recite them over and over as I would any mantra.  It calms me and brings me closer to God. 

Imagine with me, for just one moment, if everyone in Dschang or Yaounde, lived by those words every moment of every day.  What would our world be like?  What would our everyday lives be like if EVERYONE lived by these words as their commitment to themselves and treated everyone they meet with those words in the forefront of their minds and hearts?

The first one, Love is more than an emotion.  It is a powerful energetic force in this universe.  It transcends time and space.  And, its the first on my list of words in my mantra for a reason.  Love heals all. Love is the greatest gift we can give to another.  Love is the greatest gift God gives to us.  What if everyone lived their lives with Love in their hearts?  We would certainly live in a very different world. One we all would want to create and live in ourselves.  From my perspective there are only really two basic energies in this universe.  Love and Fear.  Fear being the absence of Love.  From my view, all negative emotions and energies line up right behind Fear: anger, resentment, lust, hate, revenge, greed and the list goes on.  They ALL without exception come from a lack or absence of Love.

And while I don't quote the bible often, this verse fits:

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 - New International Version (Bible)

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

I rest my case...

Monday, February 15, 2021

 Who is Anita Lynne Kulp NDEMMANU?

Not many of you know me, yet.  But you will...

Much has happened since the start of this blog, way back in December, 2007.  I lived in Cameroun, loving living in Yaounde and then in Dschang with my husband, Antoine.  See picture above...

I have traveled to Europe and the United States since then and I have to tell you, I really long for palm trees, red bananas and Koki - Mama will know.

Its time for you to get to know, not only our enduring love story, Antoine and mine, and a little bit more about me - who I am, and what I stand for.  After all being First Lady of Cameroun is a really big deal and I owe it to you to share what is important and how that will translate into programs and policies that will have a beneficial effect and make the lives ALL Camerounians better.  Not platitudes, but really, foundationally what is in my heart, and what God has called me to do.  And yes, I answered God's call!

My writing style will be informal; what would it be like to sit down over a nice coffee (oh yes, Cameroun coffee is the BEST in the world) and have a conversation one to one.

In the coming days, I will begin to share my journey and as we progress, you'll find out what the past 14 years have been like, what I love about Cameroun and what I see for the future of Cameroun and her people, my brothers and sisters.

Buckle up, we're just beginning...

Saturday, February 6, 2021

LCCLC - PROPOSITION Pour un système fiscal plus responsable et citoyen au Cameroun




Mais en réalité, n'oblige à rien. il est tant de faire certains correctifs nécessaires à savoir rendre possible la déclaration de l'acheteur, qui par celle donne la somme du montant collecté avec précision et ceci grâce à système fiscal déclaratif Vente  &  Achat.

Aujourd'hui c'est celui qui vend qui déclare ce qu'il veut déclarer, mais par contre si tous ceux qui font un achat, donne aux impôts la pièce comptable imposable puisque c'est à l'acheteur de déclarer ses achats grâce à des reçus, des quittances, des factures, etc., sur la base de quoi les taxes collectées sont imputables.
Les déclarations fiscales des achats effectués donnent et déterminé le montant des impôts à collecter pour les finances.

Notre système fiscal à besoin d'une politique fiscale plus responsable et citoyenne, l'éducation fiscale des camerounais en dépend, il urge Monsieur le Président, pour qu'une telle vision fasse l'objet d'une nouvelle stratégie politique, intégrant dans un programme citoyen ce qui explique clairement les avantages et les inconvénients du système actuel, le rôle de la fiscalité dans la gestion de la chose publique et des fonds publics et privés, reste d'une importance certaine dans la compréhension fiscale collective.

Ce qui commande que le contribuable plaide pour un État fort et librement démocratique................................................

Avec pour SLOGAN PATRIOTIQUE suivant :
Payons nos Impôts pour un développement participatif, responsable et citoyen.

La notion du devoir et du droit doit certainement régir l'offre et la demande et il vaut mieux redéfinir son protocole!

Excellence Monsieur Le Président de la République,

Pour son opérationalité, nous  suggérons la mise sur pied d'un comité ad hoc pour mieux étudier la faisabilité et l'exploitation d'un mécanisme nouveau dans la collecte fiscale.

L'éducation fiscale passe par l'éducation citoyenne, la liberté démocratique a un prix (Devoir) et nos compatriotes doivent tous sans exception y adhérer pour pour plus de Droit.

Notre engagement citoyen pour une fiscalité responsable traduit à notre sens l'assurance de l'existence de notre État! La culture fiscale dote chacun de nous d'une vraie identité citoyenne et d'une raison d'espoir !

Le Cameroun Nouveau par le Renouveau grâce à une fiscalité plus responsable et citoyenne.

Que Dieu vous/nous  bénisse !
Que Dieu bénisse le Cameroun, the Cameroon, der Kamerun et l'Afrique ! Amen!

Dr. Antoine de Padoue NDEMMANU